Handle Shipbuilding Challenges with Triark

Explore how Triark simplifies common shipbuilding obstacles into efficient, streamlined workflows.

Does This Sound Familiar?

You’re right in the middle of an important shipbuilding project when you realize your team’s referencing an old set of plans. Meanwhile, crucial feedback is splintered across endless email threads, making it nearly impossible to pinpoint who changed what—and why.

Before you know it, you’re tangled in confusion instead of forging ahead.

Here’s How Triark Can Help You

Now, imagine having all your latest documents, drawings, and notes harmonized in one place. Triark, purpose-built for shipbuilders, ensures your files are always current, easy to navigate, and instantly shareable. Instead of battling a mess of revisions and chaotic feedback loops, you can smoothly tag team members for timely insights or leverage automated approvals that keep tasks moving.

With Triark, you shift from wrestling with disorganization to cruising through your projects—focused, confident, and in control.

Firtjar mekaniske verksted logo, featured as a trusted partner of Triark.

Document Commenting

Triark’s commenting feature lets your team share feedback and discuss details directly on the platform.

Features Built to Overcome Your Shipbuilding Hurdles

See how Triark’s capabilities streamline collaboration, enhance document control, and keep your shipbuilding projects running smoothly.

Real-Time Feedback and Workflow Automation

No more sorting through countless emails or outdated hull designs. With Triark, your naval architects, engineers, and yard teams can provide real-time feedback directly on any document—be it construction schematics, material specifications, or safety checklists. Assigning tasks, confirming changes, and managing approvals becomes effortless thanks to automated workflows. By keeping everyone aligned and informed, Triark ensures your shipbuilding projects stay on schedule and on point.

Firtjar mekaniske verksted logo, featured as a trusted partner of Triark.
Firtjar mekaniske verksted logo, featured as a trusted partner of Triark.

Document Commenting

Triark’s commenting feature lets your team share feedback and discuss details directly on the platform.

Revision Control with File Previews

In the shipbuilding industry, staying current with the latest plans and regulations is non-negotiable. Triark’s revision control automatically logs every alteration, documenting who made the change and when. With built-in file previews for engineering drawings, stability reports, and procurement documents, you can verify details right within the platform—no additional software required. By providing a single source of truth, Triark reduces errors, confusion, and costly rework, helping you deliver vessels that meet exacting standards on time and within budget.

Document management interface showing revisions for 'Document 016: Pitchframe Claw,' including revision history, dates, and responsible team members.

Revision Control

Triark's revision control tracks every document change, showing who updated what and when.

Document management interface showing revisions for 'Document 016: Pitchframe Claw,' including revision history, dates, and responsible team members.

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